Event details
It's Back Again This Year
Come Fly the Hudson River and NYC
Region 1 presents, the 2nd annual and all are invited to come and fly the Hudson River Skyline Route on Saturday, June 15th. This is a VFR only adventure. We will meet at 44N Sky Acres for breakfast around 1030 hours and a briefing before departure down the river via the Hudson River Skyline Route and return.
Plan A is to fly the Skyline Route 1300msl with ATC. If denied then... Plan B is the Exclusion Route 1000msl with mandatory self-reporting points by each aircraft. Plan C and D discuss at briefing.
Check out last year's flight on our Grumman Owners and Pilots Facebook page. Just search "Bruno NYC"
If you missed this last year don't miss it this year. See NYC from 1300-1500 MSL. We will fly again as a group in a safe trail distance, so you won’t even have to talk to ATC. Mandatory brief with optional breakfast is 1100 hours. Departure is scheduled for 1230 hours. Round trip from 44N and return is approximately 1.5 hours or just return to your home base.
Join us for the flight or just breakfast.
Registration is mandatory because of planning and safety.
See some great video provided by Fly with Bruno on the incredible flight to come.
Jaw-Dropping Views! NYC Skyline Route (ATC + Class B clearance) - YouTube
This Is What Aviation Is All About | Flying Formation Over NYC - YouTube
Pre-Requites are:
1. ADSB Out - installed and operational
2. Completion of [ALC-79 New York City Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) course]
3. Attend the mandatory brief @ 44N Sky Acres
4. Life jackets per person on board
Dennis Oparowski, ne@grummanpilots.org
Region 1 Director