Event details
Robert Burns famously wrote 'The best laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft a-gley', and that probably sums up most of 2020. Despite all our plans, including booking good weather, we were unable to gather together in Oban last May. We cancelled all plans except the weather and Oban basked in glorious sunshine and enjoyed temperatures of 23C for the whole weekend we should have been there!
However, with hope in our hearts we are looking to reschedule this year. The details so far are as follows:
Dates: Thursday 27th May - Monday 31st May 2021.
Fly-In airport - North Connel/Oban Airport EGEO
Hotel - Falls of Lora Hotel, Connel , Argyll
At this stage we cannot confirm the itinerary, numbers permissible, flying details or even that the event will take place. However, if you would like to register your interest so that we can keep you informed please email:
giving your details and number in your group.
The Falls of Lora Hotel have blocked off their rooms for the GOPA for above dates, and they are kindly offering the same preferential rates we agreed last year. If you wish to make a reservation with them please email them direct at: enquiries@fallsoflora.com stating you are GOPA. The hotel is closed for the winter until 4th February, but they will answer emails.
We must state again that at the moment we cannot confirm that the event will take place, but we have everything crossed, are saying our prayers every night, and are doing our daily sun dance. Our plane is polished and ready to go, as we assume is yours, so let's hope we can all meet again in May!
Best wishes
Sandy and Valerie